Adult Coloring Pages

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Recycled Sweater Bangle

Inspired by a Post on LA Stitch n Bitch Group:

I whipped up these out of some old sweaters. As the name of this bog "Sweater Surgery" indicates, cutting up sweaters and recycling them is one of my "things"

The orange cable is for Halloween and the pink and black striped one just went so nicely with the temporary tattoo that we all put on at the pumpkin carving party.

And a little shameless self promotion, the book of the same name will be out next May by Quarry. Whoo-hooo!


  1. Awesome...I don't even know how to phrase this to make sense...I'm not rushing out to make the sweater bangle because I don't know what to put into it to give it that firm "bangle" look. How did you do it?

  2. Wow! You got these up fast! How did you fasten them? Did you sew the seams?

  3. Thanks all!
    I covered bangles-one was brass and the other was plastic. For the orange one I slid the bangle to an area of a sleeve that was the same diameter and cut it so it would overlap on the inside and hot glued in place. The striped one I wanted the stripes to go in the opposite direction so I cut a vertical strip and then overlapped the short ends and again hot glued on the inside.

  4. I want color coordinated bangles for all my new outfits!!!!! Target has 3 aisles of "dog and cat" clo.

  5. Those are really, great! Wait, when did you get a tat? Congrats on the book! xo, Vickie

  6. it looks great and the idea is so awesome!
