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Monday, June 16, 2008

Crafty Bloggers Spread the Crafty Love!

Photo Titled: Girl Without a Craft Project.

Well not really, but this is that face I make when I'm not crafting. This is Sylvie, daughter of Dwight of the band The Bamboo Kids and Rony owner of the wonderful store Cat Bird, long time friends of the family.

So to prevent this face on you-I bring you lots of great crafting ideas to keep the pout-face away: Cross Stitch
Don't toss old or unwanted CDs! Transform them with Cross Stitch instead.

Aileen's Musings
Aileen's listed a few of her favorite products and why she loves them.

Crafty Princess Diaries
Get a crafting blast from the past and flip through the pages with the Crafty Princess and this 1974 Women's Circle magazine.

Diary of a Crafty Chica
Find out why you need to make a bliss book!

Polymer Clay @ CraftGossip
Polymer clay hits the beach with a fun shell inspired tutorial.

The Impatient Blogger
Madge shares a new painting by her mother, the coveted Frankfurter Loaf Recipe and details on her Kewpie Doll Challenge!

Craftside- A behind-the-scenes peek at a crafty world
Over at Craftside there is an inside peek, patterns and projects from The New Knits For Men and a chance to win a free copy of Making Jewelry with Hardware Gems, and Beads. Sign up for the Craftside Newsletter and get a free postcard desktop frame. Also check out posts that include free Father's Day graphic quote downloads, and patterns and "how-to's" for retro placemats, napkins and a needle felted bag.

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