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Monday, June 2, 2008

Great Review over at Crafzine and Knitters Invade BEA

Sweater Surgery got a fab review over at Craftzine!
Pop over and check it out. And while your there check out all the crafty goodness.
I "heart" Craft.
And Knitters invaded BEA (Book Expo America) and I can prove it!
This is not one, but two Stefanie's in the F&W booth! This is Stefanie Japel, author of Fitted Knits, and soon to be released Glamknits-oooh so pretty. Stefanie is one of the most talented designers I know!
And here I am with the fabulous Crazy Aunt Purl, author of Crazy Aunt Purl's Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair
I love reading her blog- she covers the snarky, traffic, knitting, and price of gas with photos of the cutest cats thrown in! What more can you ask for!

And signing not one , but two books-The Yarn Harlot herself-all the way from across the border!
I am so in the mood for knitting after being around all of them!

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