Adult Coloring Pages

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Summer Sweater Surgery recycling/upcycling project

What do sweaters and summer have in common? Not much if you live where I do or anywhere for that matter that's hot! But rest assured you can still craft with those woolly wonders!

Sunglasses don't mind being snuggled in some thick felted wool and this eyeglass case litterally probably took me less than 5 minutes to make.

All I did was cut the sleeve off of a felted wool sweater, turned it inside out and sewed up the cut edge. Turned it right side out and folded down the cuff.

And in other Sweater Surgery news pop on over to The Sassy Crafter's blog ( a contributor to the book!) to check out more of what she's been up to.
Here she took her inspiration from one of the other projects in the book and got busy with scissors. See the front view and more!


  1. What a great idea, Stefanie! Some little pieces that you can make for gift-giving that don't have to wait till the last minute :-)

  2. What a great way to salvage a much-loved sweater!

  3. I have just begun to felt and was puzzled by the small sleeves. Aha... I love this idea. I can embellish from here. So many thanks.
    Mary Ellen
