OK so normally (hu me using the word "normal") talk about irony, I would have some cute craft I made here but today's project is a bit more on the practical side. It is important to have good storage for your craft supplies so time must be taken to organize sometimes. I hope you like it anyway, maybe you will give it a shot????
Back to today's tutorial (3 "T's) good one. Always a fan of the alliteration.
How to build shelves with freecycled wood specifically to hold freecycled copy paper boxes.
1. Roughly lay out what you have to work with, always good when working with freecycled stuff.
2. Measure the boxes you want to put on the shelves.
Note: I should also mention here that you want to measure the space where the shelves will be going so you don't build them too big. In this case they are going in Superfly and under a window so I had a maximum height measurement to consider.
3. Cut side panels down to height measurement and screw in lateral boards at designated intervals for maximum number of shelves to accommodate the boxes you are storing on the shelves.
4. Screw on a backing support so that the shelves can't sway sideways. I don't remember the name of this structural property but it has something to do with x,y,x axis stuff.
5. Place shelf in it's location and fill.
Just in case you were wondering- I get my copy paper boxes from my local shop, they generally order paper at the beginning of the month and have a huge stash that they are more than willing to give away. I do find the more standardized you can make your storage the more efficient it is.
I take those boxes home from work! They are the BEST :-)