Adult Coloring Pages

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth day Jewelry Making Inspired by Heidi Boyd's Simply Beaded Bliss- making charms from button covers and advertising buttons

Bliss is soooo true!

Simply Beaded Bliss: Adding Unique Elements to Classic Beaded Jewelry, Gifts and Cards
Heidi Boyd

Every project in Simply Beaded Bliss features classic beading that will appeal to readers of all skill levels and inclinations.

Step-by-step jewelry projects show the reader how to combine a wide variety of interesting elements, including sequins, buttons, phone wire, snaps, washers and tin with traditional beads, all created in Heidi's uniquely pretty style. The innovative selection of gifts and cards shows readers how to use those same elements in multiple crafts, therefore expanding the practical application of the techniques presented.

Jam-packed with over 40 projects and 15+ project variations, Simply Beaded Bliss offers a great value to mixed-media and jewelry-making enthusiasts alike. I am both so I am so good to go!

This is the way cool piece that I took my inspiration from. Heidi made her charm from a button cover-brilliant! Well, I happen to have a million promotional buttons from all sorts of events I go to and I flipped one over and it looked perfect for this technique of placing an image in and then filling with a protective coating!

So here is what I did:
I pulled the wire pin part out of the promo buttons, this was very easy, they are simply in with a bit of tension.
Then I used a round paper punch the same size as the interior of the button and punched a bunch of images from magazines and catalogs.
Then I simply popped the images into the backside of the buttons and filled them with Judikins DG3 Art Gel and let dry.
Then after they dried over night I drilled a tiny hole just big enough for a jump ring and linked them up on a chain.

I can tell this is going to be addictive! Have a "green crafting day"!


  1. Oh my gawd. I LOVE it!! I can totally see a new obsession as well (just what I needed). Thanks for sharing.
