Adult Coloring Pages

Monday, June 22, 2015

"Cut Like A Boss" Adult coloring page

Today's adult coloring page is inspired by the fun game of adding "like a boss" to any action you may be doing. Since I don't think a day goes by that I don't cut something up I decided to design a page that features the quote, "Cut Like A Boss". If you are like me and like to cut stuff up as well as color You may like this page too.
Cut like a boss adult coloring page stefanie girard, Tombow markers
 I used a combination of Tombow Markers and a variety of others in my stash.

Feel free to download and if you do, leave a comment with a link to your finished page or tag me on Instagram @StefanieLGirard
cut like a boss adult coloring page, stefanie Girard
Another fun adult coloring book is
Color Me Calm

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