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Thursday, September 15, 2016

How to make yarn cone candy corn Halloween decorations

yarn candy corn Halloween decoration Stefanie Girard
As a recycled crafter I think my eyes have this way of looking at things and seeing something else....or it just could be my declining bad eyesight :) When sorting through my yarn stash I ran across a yellow one and thought it would make a fun candy corn decoration.
yarn wrapped candy corn Halloween decorations Stefanie Girard
So I went to my other boxes to see if I could find more and it turns out I had 5 cones of yarn in various sizes.
yarn stash yarn wrapped candy corn Halloween decorations Stefanie Girard
 Next step was to gather up the white, orange and yellow yarns, I even made a candy corn out of the boxes - I swear I didn't think of this it just happened when I placed them on the floor to photograph and there it was!

I had fun picking out different shades and textures of the yarns.

TIP: Start with the top and bottom of the cones then wrap the middle section I found it easier to get the proportions right and get the yarn to stay in place.

Oh and if you like the little guys on top- they are simply acorns painted orange and then little jack-o-lantern faces drawn on with a Sharpie.

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