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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Stefanie Girard solo art show at Karizma Hair Studio

stefanie Girard, Stefanie L. Girard art, Scissors, Painting, Karizma Hair Studio, gallery
Art is not just for galleries anymore! I was invited to display my art in Karizma Hair Studio in Thousand Oaks, CA. The invitation came after I was telling the owner that we were invited by a building owner to use her lobby as a gallery. Here is another walk through video of the show that features mixed-media collage, embroidery and paintings.

Here are a few more still shots:
stefanie Girard art, stefanie l. Girard paintings
stefanie Girard art, Stefanie Girard painting, Spark This

stefanie Girart art, Stefanie L. Girard paintings

stefanie Girard art, stefanie L. Girard paintings

stefanie Girard art, Stefanie L. Girard paintings

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