Adult Coloring Pages

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter 2008- The trouble with taking "hunting photos"

Have you ever tried to take pictures of an Easter Egg Hunt? Well this is what my experience has brought me, excellent "butt shots" -just what everyone wants.

Oh, and running away shots!

So, I gave up on the random shots and we posed with our loot (in case your wondering, kids hunt for the traditional eggs and the adults hunt for little airline bottles of alcohol. This is me and my com padre with our findings thus far. We never find them all. Cindy has become so good at hiding them we estimate 5-6 are left in the yard.
La Famia posing for a group portrait on a very windy day. (Always good for the hair!)

And after we all gave up, we partake in the other Holiday (Halloween) tradition of the "Big Swap" First we all assess our findings and then scope out what others have scored. Decisions are often made based on the prettiness of the bottles (You know how us crafters are!)

Thanks for a great day family!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dymo old and new school

I love the little labels these guys make. I love the font too that looks like it and I even have the rubber stamps that look like it.
This old one- The DYMO-MITE is beautiful just to look at. I believe it was my grandfather Girard's. I have some of his old tools and most of them have his name on them made with these labels.
It always brings a smile to may face when I see one of the labels on the tool.
I got a new Dymo recently and while the features have been upgraded- I will still keep the old one just 'cause it's so pretty!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tomato Plants started in Egg Cartons

They're sprouting.
I started tomato and a few other seeds in cardboard egg cartons. They do need to be rotated several times a day but super fun to watch.
Now anyone who knows me, is asking themselves- What is Stefanie doing growing tomato plants? Well, everyone seems to always like home grown tomatoes, so I grow them for the pure joy of growing things and then give them away.
It's kind of like crafting!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Knit Wit and Pom Pom Projects over at Plaid

I design a whole bunch of projects with the Knit Wit and Doodle Loom (Pom pom) tool for Plaid Enterprises. Here are a bunch from several of the books I found posted on their website.

This one is called Sweet Pink Shawl

This is a Beaded Brooch

And this Knit-Wit Belt
If your up for some Knit-wittiness click on over for the patterns!
And if you would like to see projects I designed with Crewel work samples that appeared on Home Shopping Network click back to this post for a video link!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Here's a bunny that's sure to make you Happy on Easter (or any time!)

Thanks Dad for sending this funny bunny!
And thanks Maria for video taping it and uploading for me!
You all rock!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bunny, no chicken, no egg, uggggg

This is a chicken nugget that looks like a bunny (side view).
This was sent to me by my good friend Maria's kids!
What kind of chicken hatched the egg that made this? Did this chicken have an identity crisis and thought it was a bunny?
Or a random occurrence in processing?
Makes you want to go hmmmmm?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sweater Surgery Eggs-Of course, of course

I know you were waiting for them, wondering when they would appear?
Ta-da! Eggs in Sweaters.

Totally easy-over, no really easy-peasy. Just cut a rectangle of sweater, I used a striped rib that was pretty thin weight and it's pulled fairly taught around the widest part of the egg. This reduced the bulk at each end.

Then I did a running stitch around one end to gather it.
I then stitched up the side.
Finally I sewed the other end with a running stitch to gather it and knotted to secure.
Well there you have it. Sweater Surgery Eggs. Happy hunting!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Green Vintage Crafting

In Friday's Post I showed a photo of my "score" from my spray can lid dealer. Why I needed spray can lids? Explained in this post. So this weekend of crafting, when is it not really? I got to try my hand at whipping up one of these vintage hat pin cushions, in what else? Green!
I used one of my favorite tools, my Fiesta ware as a template. (about a 6 inch diameter) to cut a circle out of a scrap of card board.

I then cut out a circle of sweater (This is Sweater Surgery doncha forget!) at about 12 inches in diameter and sewed a running stitch around the parameter and gathered it over the cardboard circle.I then simply cut a scrap of sweater and wrapped a bit of batting in it and stuffed it into the lid. I hot glued the lid onto the base circle and added a strip of vintage trim around the lid.

Green crafting all the way around festive and ecologically good!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ten Two Studios Free Holiday Clip art

I just found out about this website Ten Two Studios while looking for St. Patrick's Day craft projects!
You simply must check it out!

Misti Chunky Ribs & Ruffles Scarf done with skull knitted needles

This free pattern from Misti alpaca rocks and was such fun to knit on my Skull knitting needles from Punk Knits.

Thanks to the person on LA Stitch & Bitch for posting about it!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Glitter for Literacy-Hoorah!

I just love coming up with wacky blog post titles. The other day one of my sewing class buddies, Susan (in pink) asked us if we wanted to glitter up some sashes for the literacy program's Trivia challenge fundraiser. Now seriously , who can resist an opportunity to spread some glitter?

Just a few of the drying sashes:

Friday, March 14, 2008

For Peeps-sake!

First let me say my Mac turned Hollywood and went to Rehab.
So I apologize for the lack of posts this week.
In continuation of my Egg theme, I bring you my free-form crocheted fried egg coaster. It is simply a circle of yellow chenille yarn and then worsted weight white yarn randomly increased around it.

And this is my best score this season. Peep shaped plastic containers. They were found at the 99 cents store.

My second best score was I hooked up with my "spray can lid dealer, Dave" in the parking lot of the Starbucks and got my lid fix. If your scratching your head and wondering if I need to go to rehab-click back to this post and all will be explained.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

In Loving Memory-The Dad of a Crafter

Today I learned of the passing of one of my dearest friend's Dad. Lorelei and I have produced a ton of Knitty Gritty episodes together. Nothing builds a friendship like being in the yarn trenches together. I called her to invite her to this month's Church of Craft meeting. I had been missing her, but I had just figured she was out on tour being a rock star. I was so very sorry to hear the news.

So I asked the gathering if it was OK to dedicate the meeting to him. Catholics say a mass in memory of a loved one, so we crafted in his memory.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Red Heart Hat Saga-I "heart" Scissors

My Hat Saga
Being Fierce With the Scissors

By The Sweater Surgeon

I put a call out for hat patterns using Red Heart yarn and I want to thank everyone who sent me patterns.

The first one I got I went with originally. But I felt like the brim was too puffy with a 2x2 rib and since I didn't make it as long as the pattern indicated since it looked really long-it was too short.
Lessons learned: I think I knit pretty loose and FOLLOW THE D*%^#M PATTERN!

So out came my beloved scissors and snip away!

In the mean time a few more patterns were in my "In-box". One used a 1x1 twisted rib, so I tested that stitch and voila!

So after two tries, I had a happy hat wearer.

Onto hat deux.

This time I started with the twisted rib, followed the measurement instructions, finished the hat and brought it to it's wearer. Too long this time, didn't mention that would be preferable to not have a folded up brim.

Out came ye trusted scissors and snip away!

So I'm not quite sure what the moral of the story is other than, thank goodness for invention of scissors.

PS: I love the way you get a spiral at the time when decreasing!

Which came first the Crocheted Chicken or the egg

OK "Peeps" is this not the cutest? An egg cozy that looks like a chicken. If you know of a pattern please post in the comments section! I want to make a flock of these. Thanks.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Chrome Eggs Du Jour

Today's Egg is Chrome!
And just in case you didn't think only eggs came in chrome, I have a chrome banana too. Random chromeness from Casa de Canejo Diablo.
These are my antlers in the back yard with plastic colored/chrome eggs hanging from the points. Oh and the list of poker hands in order of what beats what-I can never remember.
After the egg/alcohol hunt the poker game ensues.

I have since had to plastic wrap my antlers because the native animals like to sharpen their teeth/beaks on them. Anyone know how to prevent this?