Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Movable modern minimalist art

modern art stripes movable painting stefanie girard
I love to rearrange things. That includes my art. This piece is made of lathing strips (thin strips of wood used when you plaster walls.

Here are a bunch of arrangements:
modern art stripes movable painting stefanie girard
I like looking at an arrangement for awhile and then I move the painted strips around.
modern art stripes movable painting stefanie girard
I plan on painting some more strips of wood. It really can be endless.
modern art stripes movable painting stefanie girard

To make the base I simply made a base with the strips and put tiny nails on the vertical pieces of wood.
I did this a bit loose so the strips could move.

The bottom piece is glued in place.
modern art stripes movable painting stefanie girard

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