Today I am transforming an old art school project that was a transformation itself into another fun thing with a little inspiration from the idea packed book
Photojojo! Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideas. The project in the book is to transform a Rubik's cube into a photo puzzle cube.

This was my old art school project originally. Every square was a different color. When it was originally painted each side was one set of colors for each side and they were different shades and hues. I never could get it back that way :) The best I ever did was 3 sides. I couldn't even get 1 side to be all the red/pinks for this photo. That's what 20 years will do to ya.

I am a big fan of 4 letter words (not just bad ones, all of them) so my idea was to use 3 letter words to kick up the puzzle factor. I went to
this list of 3 letter words for a bit of help and used
Magenta chipboard laser-cut letters. I haven't moved the cube yet but I wonder if I can spell other things with the cube than I originally did? Well, anyway, I am planning on trying out several of the other photo projects and techniques in
Photojojo! Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideas because they look super fun and totally do-able!
Photojojo! Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideasby
Amit Gupta and Kelly Jensen
A photo, an idea, and simple crafting skills are all you need to transform your pictures into useful, fun, giftable art. With clear DIY instructions,
Photojojo! by Amit Gupta and Kelly Jensen shows you how to turn your forgotten photos into ingenious photo projects.
Do you have lots of pics of friends and family you want to show off? Make a sleek, stylish photo display rail so you can change them up at a moment’s notice. Need something to play with? Make photo slider puzzles, Rubik’s cubes, and temporary tattoos. Or spruce up your pad with a photo chandelier or a giant wall mural you can print at home! All the projects use basic materials and are easy enough to whip up in an afternoon.
Once you’re armed with what you can do with all your images, check out
Photojojo’s inspiring ideas to get you shooting photographs more creatively. Investigate the world from a canine perspective with the amazing doggie cam, or grab your friends and head out on a photo safari. Make a sneaky hidden jacket camera and turn string, a washer, and a screw into a monopod that fits in your pocket, MacGyver-style. Learn how to motivate yourself to take a photo every day with project 365, or get the little ones involved with Photojojo’s head-spinning photography method: because you + kid + centrifugal force = awesome. Yep, photography just became a whole lot more fun.
AMIT GUPTA is a photoblogger and entrepreneur. He dropped out of school to start his first Internet company, moved to New York City to help start the nonprofit Change This, and launched the coworking event Jelly in his apartment. And, he’s been known to hang out on street corners exchanging lollipops for portraits. He’s also the founder of Photojojo! (www.photojojo.com, but you already knew that) and blogs at www.amitgupta.com. He lives in San Francisco.
(P.S. You can write him at amit@photojojo.com; he’ll write back.)
KELLY JENSEN sews, knits, draws, builds stuff, embroiders, cooks, messes with cameras, and wrestles her Boston terrier. When not busy with the above, she’s worked as a freelance photographer and cataloguer of the teratology collection at the MŸtter Museum. She lives in San Francisco with her husband, Bryan, and Molly, the dog (as seen on the cover).