Let me start by giving you a bit of back story. It was about the time that ponchos were all the rage that I was a producer on Knitty Gritty and I was living the knitting every minute of the day. I loved ponchos but alas I felt like I was wearing a sandwich board when I tried them on and I was not really interested in feeling like a walking billboard. Everyone else seemed to look great in them. Bummer for me. The second part of this back story was I also wanted instant knitwear. While I love knitting and do it more as a form of relaxation when I wanted a knit item I went to the land of cast off sweaters and sewed one into my new design, hence my book Sweater Surgery. And that's how it came to be.
Now to today's wonderful book I have to tell you about-Knits That Fit: Instructions, Patterns, and Tips for Getting the Right Fit. As stated in my back story big and floppy does not work on me, I like my sweater action snug and shapely. That is what Knits That Fit is all about. The whole first section is jam packed with great fitting info that is sure to make your sweater be just the way you want it. Then you get a whole bunch of the most lovely sweater patterns that you will love knitting and wearing. I haven't decided what I am going to make because so many of the sweaters have great details and shapes there is everything from hoodies to tanks to choose from! Hmmmm, off to the yarn stash to see what combo I come up with!
More about Knits That Fit: Instructions, Patterns, and Tips for Getting the Right Fit from the publisher Potter Craft:
"Stop following, start knitting! When you lovingly make something stitch-by-stitch, it shouldn’t fit like it came from a department store. However, that’s exactly what happens when you knit to fit a general size instead of your actual measurements. In Knits that Fit, you will learn how to break free from following a pattern word-for-word and start making small changes to tailor your knitwear. It’s not hard, either! You’ll be walked through all the essential ins-and-outs of taking measurements and basic pattern alteration. Before you know it you will be able to tweak nearly any pattern to better fit your unique shape. The accompanying TK patterns in Knits that Fit include short-sleeved tops, pullovers, and cardigans from top knitwear designers like Lily Chin, Annie Modesitt, Berta Karapetyan, Sally Melville, and others. Of course, each of the patterns is ready to be customized by you for the perfect fit—information on shortening or lengthening has been built right in! Whether you’ve knit one sweater or ten, this is a book that will change the way you see patterns and the way you knit sweaters. "