Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Pom poms can make a statement in braille art

I  have been creating with pom poms my whole life. This is my first art piece created with pom poms. Braille type is created with the pom poms and this piece says "Not everything is black and white".  It is part of the Burbank Art Association Board show at the Geo Gallery titled -“Salt & Pepper - An Adventure in Monochromatic Art”
pom pom art, textile art, stefanie Girard, political art, resistance art

In the video the light is ambient. In this photo it has direct light and the "black" part of the black and white aspect of this piece is more dramatic.

conceptual art, fiber art, stefanie Girard, contemporary art Los Angeles

Not only am I part of the show I helped hang it. It's a lot like my first career out in Los Angeles as a set decorator. Here I am with my fellow art installer Teresa after a long day of making a lot of decisions and holding up a lot of art :)

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