Thursday, September 30, 2010

Origami Penguin in Plaid from the new book-Origami World By Didier Boursin

1. I love origami
2. The first few tries at new origami project make my head hurt
3. This penguin from the new book Origami World was so worth it!

Really, it's true. I don't know about you but you see the lovely photo of the finished little bit of folded paper goodness so you know it can be done, and you know the author and the publisher are accomplished in their field so that the directions are not lying to you! So it has to be operator error. Kind of like when some piece of electronics isn't behaving and 9 times out of 10 it's not behaving because you haven't plugged it in or turned it on or clicked the "OK" button.

If you have been there too, you know what I mean.

I decided to include with my adorable plaid penguin his "peeps" that he evolved from. They are some very worn bits of recycled copy paper that there are parts of that the paper is worn completely through. I should point out this was a level 3 (the hardest) in the book, I had to start with a hard project but hey....

In the end the wonderful photos and directions synced with my brain and I had a cute plaid penguin. My goal was to make a whole little flock of them in different sizes for a Christmas decoration. I have a feeling I will "fly" through making his brothers and sisters, ironic since penguins can't fly :)

If you like super cute origami and pretty origami paper (this book includes 112 pieces) I bet you will like:
Origami World: 40 Fun Paper-Folding Projects
Didier Boursin

From North Light Books

1 comment:

Eileen The Artful Crafter said...

That's so cute that you did him in plaid!

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