The crafters of me (AKA my parents) went to Paris recently and my mom decided I should be the one to assemble the scrapbook of said trip. She did a good job of sending the photos and their coordinating memorabilia in individual Ziploc baggies. I of course didn't know what went with what, especially since everything was in French.
The biggest challenge was the album she sent had pre-cut widows but the catch- no horizontal openings and the majority of their photos were landscape format. So I matted a lot of the photos and had to get a bit creative with flaps and layering.
I hope they like it!
1 comment:
I do love it! We will see if the other half loves it, when I add the commentary to the pages and give it to him for Xmas. The album is put together in a vastly more creative manner than I could have ever accomplished, and I would never have dreamed up the flap and matting tricks. Since I didn't want to spoil the "experiencing" of the trip, and I am not a "journaling" kind of person, I wanted this album to be a holistic representation of the trip -- and it is that. It gives off an ambience when the cover is opened. I am calling it a memoir, and for the bibliophiles among the blog readers, you know that memoirs are never exact tellings of the events. The choice of the album had to do with picking one the husband loved - Mucha to be exact.
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