My Hat Saga
Being Fierce With the Scissors
By The Sweater Surgeon

I put a call out for hat patterns using Red Heart yarn and I want to thank everyone who sent me patterns.
The first one I got I went with originally. But I felt like the brim was too puffy with a 2x2 rib and since I didn't make it as long as the pattern indicated since it looked really long-it was too short.
Lessons learned: I think I knit pretty loose and FOLLOW THE D*%^#M PATTERN!

So out came my beloved scissors and snip away!
In the mean time a few more patterns were in my "In-box". One used a 1x1 twisted rib, so I tested that stitch and voila!

So after two tries, I had a happy hat wearer.
Onto hat deux.

This time I started with the twisted rib, followed the measurement instructions, finished the hat and brought it to it's wearer. Too long this time, didn't mention that would be preferable to not have a folded up brim.
Out came ye trusted scissors and snip away!

So I'm not quite sure what the moral of the story is other than, thank goodness for invention of scissors.
PS: I love the way you get a spiral at the time when decreasing!